The Scottish Government's Good Food Nation Plan is out now for consultation. Citizens across the country are being asked to share their views: what does a Good Food Nation look like, smell like, taste like?
This is your opportunity to find out more about the plan, create your own response and pick up some tips for talking to others about it. This session will be friendly and informal. It's open to anyone who eats food!
Food is everyone's business.
There are 6 main outcomes for the Good Food Nation Plan. We'll be discussing and thinking through some of these outcomes, and what they mean for us as citizens, producers, businesses, communities and our shared environment.
1. Everyone in Scotland eats well. They can easily get safe, healthy, affordable, environmentally friendly food that suits their age and culture.
2. Scotland’s food system is good for the natural environment, the climate, wildlife and animal welfare.
3. Scotland’s food system helps everyone to have good physical and mental health.
4. Scotland is known around the world for high-quality food. Our food and drink industry is successful and forward-thinking. It is an important part of the national and local economy. It creates and sustains good jobs and businesses.
5. Scotland has a thriving food culture. Scottish people are interested in and educated about good and sustainable food.
6. Decisions we make in Scotland are good for food systems here and around the world. We share and learn from what other countries are doing.
Join us for a Kitchen Table Talk - a conversation with other citizens of Dumfries and Galloway. Facilitators will be on hand with useful resources designed by the Scottish Food Coalition, to get conversation going.
You'll be able to craft your own consultation response, and contribute to a shared response as we aim to represent the views of those who have attended.
We're hosting 2 Kitchen Table Talks, in Newton Stewart on Thursday 28 March, 6.30pm at Vibe 75, and in Dumfries on Tuesday 9 April, 6.30pm at The Stove. Click the links below to register your spot.