This work aims to transform catering and procurement - getting more local and sustainable food onto school, hospital and other public food plates. This work will revitalize local and sustainable supply chains.
Dumfries and Galloway has procurement policies (council, NHS, venues and institutions) that take account of climate change and vulnerability of our current supply chain
Awareness sessions for procurement staff around sustainability.
Achieve the national Food for Life Award, a recognition of commitment to better food on school plates.
Locally sourced, shorter supply chains with healthier options
Support for local suppliers and collaborations to write tenders.
Dumfries and Galloway Council have created the 'Naturally D&G' brand, designed to highlight where the food they serve comes from, and the importance of buying quality produce, from local suppliers where possible.
HMP Dumfries - the town's Prison - has a remarkable garden. For many years, inmates have been involved in growing and producing large quantities of vegetables that are used in the prison kitchens. Up to £5000 worth of veg is grown every year on site. The 'Wellbeing Garden' also assists with prisoner rehabilitation and mental health.
Dumfries and Galloway College run a state of the art hospitality department where they are training young people to be chefs and caterers of the future. Incorporating learning for sustainbility into their curriculum, the students also run the onsite Zest restaurant.